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The Power of Group Fitness

Updated: Sep 5, 2020

Group fitness is not a new concept, but maybe it is new to you! While you may love the feeling of strolling into the gym, turning up your headphones, and tuning out, it is important to switch it up to experience the maximum benefits of exercise.

Read below to discover how you can benefit from group fitness, (both virtual and in-person) and why it will make you love #exercise.

1. Healthy Competition

“A bit of gentle peer pressure and friendly competition can go a long way when it comes to motivation,” says Dr. Dawn Skelton, a professor of aging and health at Glasgow Caledonian University. Having people around you to exercise with motivates you to push your limits even further, and to have fun doing it. Being in a class with others who are also focused on their fitness, gives a certain comradery and accountability that is far more encouraging than a solo workout.

2. Build Friendships

Your first day of class you might feel a little out of place, but by the end of the session, you feel a certain connection with both the instructor and fellow classmates. There’s no denying the contagious sense of respect and appreciation that permeates throughout the room. You’re all pushing yourselves to improve, and that underlying feeling of camaraderie is unlike any other (Kylie Burnside). This is also true in virtual classes, and fitness groups; people can post, comment, like, and private message each other and build more one-on-one connections. These groups are especially awesome right now as we #shelterinplace.

3. Keep On Track

Working out with others keeps you on track. You might want to hit the snooze button in the morning but you know that your friends are going to be in class today! When your attendance is noticed and appreciated, you are more likely to show up. Even joining a virtual class keeps you more on track, because you can still work out with others, even from the comfort of your own home.

4. Get It Done

Many of us (minus the pandemic times) live very busy lives. we have kids, jobs, hobbies, and many responsibilities that eliminate a lot of our free time. We know exercise is important but there seems to be no time. Well, group fitness classes can be as short as 25minutes and the workout is already planned for you! All you have to do is show up. Another plus to this is you don't have to wait for equipment at the gym to become available, the equipment (if needed), and the workout is waiting for you. This maximizes the workout in as little time as possible.

5. Tailored Fitness

Maybe your goal is to tone, lose weight, build muscle, or maintain your current fitness regime. Group fitness classes offer a wide range of exercises built for your needs. Plus, the instructors are certified and trained to teach. They (hopefully) have done the research for proper form, modifications, etc so that you can be confident knowing that you are in the best hands.

Group workouts have amazing benefits whether you are meeting up at a studio, or hopping on Facebook Live/Zoom. Who here has tried group fitness? Thoughts?


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