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How to Make the Most of Quarantine

Writer's picture: Olivia QuadrosOlivia Quadros

Updated: Sep 5, 2020

With the everchanging news around the Coronavirus (COVID-19), and the recent mandate to "shelter in place" in many U.S. counties, things can seem scary, and depressing. If you're anything like me, you might be asking yourself, "how am I supposed to spend 14 days in my house?"

Below I have compiled 13 fun, productive, and insightful activities that you can either do solo or with those in your home.

1. Clean Up

While this doesn't sound like its the most fun task to do, it is extremely important to clean our homes, especially during these times. I'm not just talking about folding laundry and washing dishes here. Deep cleaning and disinfecting all surfaces of your home are necessary in order to stop the spread of unwanted germs. This task might take all day to scrub, sweep, and spray, but your immune system will thank you.

2. Organize

This goes hand and hand with the suggestion above, but organizing gives you the opportunity to sort through items that you don't need. Donate old furniture and clothing to Goodwill, or maybe find some items to repurpose. An article from Budget Dumpster gives you a ridiculously thorough guide to decluttering your home.

3. Workout

Just because you can't go to the gym or to your favorite group exercise class, doesn't mean that you cant work up a sweat. Staying active during your "shelter in place" is a great way to stay healthy. Try workouts from Blogilates or Crossrope to raise your heart rate and release the feel-good endorphins.

4. Read

Haven't picked up a book in a while? Now is your chance to get cozy with some tea, and read a good book. If traditional reading isn't for you, then check out Audible for thousands of books to choose from and listen to. Good news for first-time users: get a free book when you sign up for a FREE trial.

5. Call a Friend

We all get so busy with our day to day lives that we don't have much time to just sit and chat. Well, now that you are stuck at home, call up an old friend or relative that you haven't talked to in a while and catch up. They will probably be so glad that you called.

6. Hang Out WIth Your Pets

Pet your cat, hold your lizard, and walk your dog! Animals have healing properties that help relieve stress. Spend some extra time loving, bathing, and playing with your animals.

7. Sleep

Been feeling like you are low on sleep lately? Join the club. Use this time to sleep in a little more, or take a nap during the day. Getting yourself on a regular sleeping schedule can help you be healthier and more productive.

8. Re-runs

Have a movie day and watch your favorite movies or re-runs of your favorite TV shows. Use services like Netflix, DIsney+, and Hulu to make sure you're covered with all of your favorites, classic, and new.

9. Hike

Going outside is still permitted. Find a local place to hike around and get some fresh air. Make sure to stay a safe distance away from people and avoid touching anything. Bring some music with you and have fun! Be sure to pack the Hiking Essentials when you go.

10. Learn a New Language

Something you always wanted to do but never had the time? Well, now you do! Check out Duolingo or Babbel and play fun games and do helpful exercises to help you be on your way to learning a new language!

11. Clear Out Your Inbox

Have a ton of unopened emails? I thought so...spend this time going through emails and sorting through them, you will feel so much more organized and it will be much easier to find emails as you need them.

12. Home Improvement

We all have a thing or two that needs to be spruced up or fixed in our home. Maybe that's painting a wall, staining the deck, or laying tile. Now is the time to tap into your creative side and get to work!

13. Meditate

You may find yourself more tense and anxious over the past few days. These emotions are very real and can get dangerous if they manifest for too long. Try meditation/yoga exercises that can be found on Youtube or through Calm. Right now, they are offering wonderful FREE resources to help us all cope during this time. Be sure to check them out.

I hope you find yourself enjoying these 13 ways to cope with quarantine, and hopefully, they provide some release and much needed catching up in your life.

In addition, for those of you who want to stay up to date on Coronavirus news, please visit, this website is a government website and provides factual information.

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